About Us

About Us

Bulk Mail Claim Limited

Bulk Mail Claim Limited is the proposed class representative.

Bulk Mail Claim Limited was incorporated for the purpose of acting as the proposed class representative in these proceedings. The proposed class representative’s duty is to act fairly and adequately in the interests of all members.

Mr Robin Aaronson is the sole director and sole member of Bulk Mail Claim Limited.

As the sole director and member of Bulk Mail Claim Limited, Mr Aaronson will have oversight of the Proposed Claim and will make decisions on behalf of the company.

Over the course of his career, Mr Aaronson has held senior roles (including in public bodies) in which he has promoted competitive markets and tackled anti-competitive conduct. In particular:

  • in 2000, Mr Aaronson was appointed by the Secretary of State for Trade and Industry as a member of the Postal Services Commission (Postcomm, the regulator of the postal industry at that time), initially for a term of five years. In 2005, his term was extended by a further 18 months; and
  • from 2009 to 2017, Mr Aaronson served as a Member of the Competition Commission (later the Competition and Markets Authority).

In these roles, Mr Aaronson was deeply involved in regulating and remedying market structures and conduct which prevented, restricted or distorted competition.

The Tribunal will assess Bulk Mail Claim Limited’s suitability to act as the proposed class representative as part of the hearing which will be held in due course. If approved, Bulk Mail Claim Limited will regularly update proposed class members about the claim on this website and through the media.

Legal Team

Lewis Silkin Bulk Mail Claim Limited has instructed Lewis Silkin LLP, a leading law firm with a wealth of expertise in litigation. Bulk Mail Claim Limited has also instructed an experienced team of specialist competition law barristers at Monckton Chambers.

Litigation Funder

The costs of bringing the claim are being funded by a highly experienced commercial litigation funder who is a member of the Association of Litigation Funders of England and Wales and abides by its Code of Conduct.

Expert Economist

Bulk Mail Claim Limited has also instructed an expert competition economist. The expert will be responsible for providing evidence in relation to the losses that have been caused by Royal Mail’s unlawful behaviour.